aiaMark Allen Muir Mark 2 License  #AR0013261
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Since moving to Boca Raton in 1967, Mark has experienced the growth of the south Florida area first hand. Drive around with Mark and he can relate when a particular piece of property used to be vacant or had a different building on it. During those formative years, Mark watched his father; one of the areas’ most sought after custom luxury home builders. It seemed natural that Mark would follow in the construction profession. Throughout high school, Mark worked construction for his father. In the blazing heat, he was taught to never take the short-cut, pay attention to the details, never ask more from your crew than you’re willing to give yourself. There was no favoritism on the site. Mark started by 'digging ditches' and carrying more than his due share. He witnessed the teamwork atmosphere required between the owner, architect and builder and how paramount that is for a successful project. Returning during summer breaks from The University of Florida, Mark’s father kept his hammer at the ready and eventually he worked his way through every stage….up to an accomplished trim carpenter. All the time remembering, “The truth is in the details”. His father's job sites and Mark’s excellent formal education served as his foundation for the detail-oriented and quality-minded architect Mark is today. Mark's father recently retired from over 30 plus years, but takes joy in knowing Mark carries on his exact same work ethic for accuracy and detail. The infinite knowledge gained on those job sites gives Mark an unequalled understanding of the construction process. His experience is evident when you review a set of drawings from Colestock & Muir Architects P.A. In addition to the outstanding designs, CMA is often complimented by builders, trades, sub-contractors and building officials for the ease and clarity with which their buildings go together in the field and the level of precision and personal pride illustrated within their drawings.



Colestock & Muir Architects, P.A.
        Position: Partner / President

John D. Conway Architect, Inc.
        Position: Project Architect

Romberger Associates Architects, P.A.
        Position: Architect

Dan C. Duckham Architect, Inc.
        Position: Architect

Stene Kunik Associates, Inc.
        Position: Architectural Intern

Darrel V. Muir Construction, Inc.
        Position: Carpenter/Laborer



University of Florida
        Master of Building Construction, 1988
        Master of Architecture, 1987
        Bachelor of Design, 1985



American Institute of Architects
        Member, 1998 - present

Alpha Rho Chi National Architecture Fraternity
        Charter Class, 1985 – 1988

Gargoyle Honor Society College of Architecture- UF
        Member 1984